KCT - Kalpa Charitable Trust
KCT stands for Kalpa Charitable Trust
Here you will find, what does KCT stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Kalpa Charitable Trust? Kalpa Charitable Trust can be abbreviated as KCT What does KCT stand for? KCT stands for Kalpa Charitable Trust. What does Kalpa Charitable Trust mean?Kalpa Charitable Trust is an expansion of KCT
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Alternative definitions of KCT
- Knowledge Center Training
- Knighthood, Chivalry Tournaments
- Kansas City Title
- Kalamazoo Civic Theatre
- Kids Count Therapy
- Key Consulting Technologies
View 15 other definitions of KCT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- KSJS Kalyan Samajik Jagriti Sansthan
- KT Kanniya Trust
- KS Kanthi Samstha
- K Kapince
- KHRS Karachi Human Rights Society
- KHWOP Karachi Human Welfare Organization, Pakistan
- KMAWSP Karachi Medical Aid Welfare Society of Pakistan
- KMTARCFTB Karaikal Mobility Training And Rehabilitataion Centre For The Blind
- KADS karbi Anglong Development Society
- KCTH Karir Charitable Trust Hospital
- KKIDE Karl Kübel Institute for Development Education
- KSWS Karna Subarna Welfare Society
- KW Karna-subarna Welfare society
- KIRDARC Karnali Integrated Rural Development And Research Centre
- KSHGRDO Karnataka State Harijan Girijan Rural Development Organizatio
- KWO Kartavya Welfare Organisation
- KSS Kartik Shikshan Sansthan
- KSSS Karunya Social Service Society
- KF Kashf Foundation